Monday, September 26, 2011

The Current State of Affairs

What do currrent events, the news and quick action social media networks tell us about our world?  For one,  they tell us we can know about nearly anything in a sporadic moment.  There are more information outlets than there are  news outlets.  Do you believe everything you hear, listen to or read?  Are you interested in Barack Obama, Sarah Palin, Rick Perry or Michelle Bachman?  Do you really believe that the USA should be involved in military conflicts in at least a dozen or more countries?  Is the economy really that bad or are there rich people who are hanging on to their wealth and not hiring people? Are taxes fair for the poor?  Is the sales tax fair to low income people?  Is it alright to let "gays and lesbians" be part of the military but not allow their partners to be treated the same as their heterosexual counter-parts? What does it say about "our" country as our world when we realize that 1% of the American populace controls over 25% of the resources?  Are all Americans greedy or just business savvy?  What, really, is the current state of affairs?  Are we plugged in to the important issues that affect our lives or are we driven by daily newscasts that pick and choose what's important for you?  If I was from another world and asked you "What is the current state of  affairs in your country and world"?   what would you say? 

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